Check this flying bi-copter “robot” with impressive battery life

Falcon : a two motor “bi-copter” drone from Zero Zero Robotics promises to stay in the air a lot longer than its quad-copter competitors.

The company has previously released two AI enabled drones.  Hover and Hover 2 Camera with functionalities like Person Tracking, Waypoints Navigation, Obstacles Avoidance and Face Recognition.

Game changer:

Zero Zero Robotics  succeeded to bring to consumers a bi-copter drone, de facto reducing the number of motors, improving battery life, and aerodynamics all at once. To achieve that the company designed a “bird” inspired drone, that balance the weight to move around, combined with an exceptional control AI for this technology .

With tilt-rotor technology, the profile stays more or less the same the entire time you’re flying. We really think it’s going to be a game changer and it’s a really big breakthrough.” the company said.

“Bi-copter” is the new drone

The idea of bi-copter is not new, we can see some  “The Swede” hobby build


and some military uses


Features :

  • 4K video resolution
  • 50 min fly time
  •  7 km transmission range
  • Person Tracking
  • Obstacle Avoidance

You’ll have greater flexibility in distance and number of locations on a single charge as well as the number of shots you’ll be able to capture in one flight.


NEXT: DJI robot DJI RoboMaster S1  and 5 cheaper alternatives to DJI Robomaster S1

•About Me: Hi, my name is Marco, I'm a tech enthusiasts and Software Developer . Robots have been my passion since I was a child! •PersonalRobots Mission : We will guide you in choosing the perfect domestic robot, check our robot reviews! Learn with us how to build your robot and check our opensource robotic project :)

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