Cozmo is fun right out of the box

The Anki Cozmo robot is fun right out of the box, but that’s just the beginning. His abilities and skills develop constantly with frequent app updates, to provide new ways to learn and play.


  • Face recognition software allows him to recognise faces and people
  • Controls and camera vision feed though the app
  • Play with you and interact it’s cube toys
  • Explore and learn from it’s surrounding
  • Program it using Code Lab


Cozmo doesn’t just move; it gets curious & explores!
It doesn’t just learn but it gets to know you. So call it self-aware, call him almost human. It’s fun on a whole new level 🙂

Buy Cozmo on or Check the Anki Vector Review 

•About Me: Hi, my name is Marco, I'm a tech enthusiasts and Software Developer . Robots have been my passion since I was a child! •PersonalRobots Mission : We will guide you in choosing the perfect domestic robot, check our robot reviews! Learn with us how to build your robot and check our opensource robotic project :)

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