MiRo robot simulate animal behaviour

MiRo robot can run for you home like a pet, you can play and hugs but it’s much more! It is also a tool for educators and developers for robotic research, teaching and learning .

MiRo is able to recreate six  different senses and using artificial intelligence and is able to interact with other robots and humans.The robot is equipped with 3D camera vision, microphone arrays, touch sensors, accellerometers, gyro sensors , ultrasonic sensors and motors.


The strenght of MiRo is it’s expandibility using  Software Development Kit (SDK ) and Simulators Softwares.

Check the Consequential Robotics Website here or check a similar project  Kuri the maid Robot  or Anki Vector

•About Me: Hi, my name is Marco, I'm a tech enthusiasts and Software Developer . Robots have been my passion since I was a child! •PersonalRobots Mission : We will guide you in choosing the perfect domestic robot, check our robot reviews! Learn with us how to build your robot and check our opensource robotic project :)

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