RoboCut carves objects from foam like a 3D printer
RoboCut carves 3D shapes from foam : Hot-wire cutting is a subtraction fabrication technique used to carve foam...
The Best Robot Vacuum of 2020
The Best Robot Vacuum of 2020 : price are getting lower and quality of the cleaning is increasing! ...
GoodBoy is a 3D printed Arduino Quadruped Robot
GoodBoy is a small quadruped robot using 3D printed parts. Inspired by the robots dog of Boston Dynamics, DentDentArthurDent...
3D Printed Houses build by Robots
Robots entered in the business of house development : 3D-printed homes can be built for less than $10,000...
Futurama’s Bender “robot head” smart assistant
How many of you have Siri or Google Home assistants in your home? ✋ Those are old now,...
Vector Update : All Clouds Enhancements & Updates
Vector Owners rejoy, something new! DigitalDreamLabs is releasing a series of updates regarding their robot Vector, the “cloud...
This week’s robot news – acrobats , cheetah and tons of robot dogs!
Spot, a four-legged “dog”, is on patrol in a park in Singapore during a two week trial program....
Miko2 can make you talk and play with your kids from distance
Miko2 , is a playful robot toy that can connect kids and parents while they are far apart!...
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