RoBoHoN – the robot smartphone

Tomotaka Takahashi & SHARP Japan built RoBoHoN, the first smartphone robot. Closer vision of “a future where each person will own a robot”, your smartphone will evolve from a tool to a personal “robot” companion,  able to share feeling and join your adventure.

Our current development project [RoBoHoN] is about creating devices that can appeal to human sensibility and emotion, using current smartphone technology and business models with supply chains. This will go beyond just being a tool as the robots can appeal to affection, trust, and share experiences, thereby changing the relationship between humans and machines and humans and information.

RoBoHen feature  photo-shooting and projecting capabilities:



RoBoHoN is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor and connected via 3G and LTE.  It features a 2-inch LCD screen with a 320-by-240 resolution which can be used for basic tasks . The robot is able to recognize faces and voices with his 8MP camera built into its forehead and take photo and video.  It also can project videos in HD quality at 1290-by-720 pixels.

In case you are wondering, yes RoBoHen can calls and send messages  :)!


Clever Design

Takahashi’s designs have been featured in art exhibitions around the world and robot toy companies have produced robots for the hobby market with his help. To mention some famous one ROBI, ROPID and   Kirobot Robot, a “small” talking robot sent to space :

ROPID in action:

Smaller robots

Takashi philosopy is to prefer to work on smaller robots, as they are easier to build and carry and people have more realistic expectations of them. It’s easy for us to relate to small robots because they have similar bodies and remember animal pets, unlike machines, which are cold and scary to us.

ROBI in action:

[Source: Robo-Garage]

Want to know more about small cute robots?  You can check Toyota Kirobot Robot , MarsCat the first robotic kitty and Boxer Robot

•About Me: Hi, my name is Marco, I'm a tech enthusiasts and Software Developer . Robots have been my passion since I was a child! •PersonalRobots Mission : We will guide you in choosing the perfect domestic robot, check our robot reviews! Learn with us how to build your robot and check our opensource robotic project :)

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