Robot Toplist May 2019
We are proud to present the Robot Toplist May 2019!
We have new slots opportunity in our toplist as we need to remove Anki Vector and Cozmo, previously on TOP1 and TOP2 of our Toplist, after Anki Closing, those two robots will works but due to the uncertain situation with the cloud support we wish to not showing them for this month 👎.
This month we can see the rise of personal robotic assistant like Plen Cube and Opensource Robotic project like OTTO Remixes ( more than 32 remixes are present on Wikifactory including the new humanoid version) 👍 !
Robot Toplist score criteria are
- Entertainment
- Functionality
- Easy to use
- Innovation
- Expand-ability
- Consumer market availability
- DIY kit
- Public Dev SDK availability
- Open Source