Best Robot Memes of 2020
LEIA “writer” Robot . This is robot-written post made by TalkToTransformer auto-generated robot “Leia” aka “error” , its capability is to write human-readable posts that makes sense. Leia robot is still learning and till now we do better.
LEIA : robot make sense
#FAKENEWS:With #MeToo trending on Twitter on Thursday, there is an increase in interesting conversations. Now’s the time for #MeToo to become a full on movement
“You should say it to your boss if you have one”
WARNING: This post includes some human-created images called “memes”.
I,Robot “No Meme”
Robot Startups in consumers market?
“I dont wanna go” ( 2015)
Mr. Robot Series
daVinci Robot Surgeon is Scary?
This robot…