TOP 5 Alternatives to Vector Robot
Let’s find out the TOP 5 alternatives to Vector Robot! We want to guide you choosing the best gift for your kids based on the following criteria : innovation, fun and price !
Vector and Vector 2.0 are smart and popular but they require an long initial configuration: ( Wifi, accounts registration, city, timezone , etc), together with the high retail price ( over 200$) and the requirement to pay a memberships monthly it may create a barrier between product and user . So Let’s try something new!
TOP 5 – Cozmo
Cozmo is fun right out of the box ! Vector’s older brother is basically funnier, with more animation and tons of game, can be programmed in-app and has the possibility to control easily via the mobile app ( and watch from his camera) ! BONUS : You don’t need to pay a monthly subscription for it. Special mentions: It survived without issues to the Anki’s company bankruptcy and it is also a Star of Youtube!
Buy your Vector and Cozmo here and now:
TOP 4 – Marty the robot
Marty is fun to build and come as a kit , it has good step-to-step instructions and fun to code. It has a nice appearance and is nice to have sitting on the desk. Its movements are particularly enjoyable, and a great dancer. Is not super smart but you can add your sensors and program as you wish!
Find Marty the Robot here :
TOP 3 – Pixy robot by Clementoni
Pixy is a programmable robot toy by Clementoni ( for kids 8+). The robot has a colour screen, that is used to interact and show emotions, also the robot is programmable via the mobile app and it has several games and “cubes” that give direct commands. Its colorful, easy to use , it works offline and has a free mobile app! Pixy is ready out of the box and you can give commands via his “cubes”!
Buy Pixy robot by Clementoni here:
TOP 2 – Novie
From the moment you unbox Novie, the robot is ready to play. the robot is controlled though hand gestures and will learn from your gesture how to do fun tricks like Spinout, Wheelie, Wacko Walk, Fartnado and more. Fun and the price are his selling point : you can find it at less than 20$!
Find it here:
TOP 1- Boxer Robot
I personally own Boxer Robot ( I’m 30) and I bough several more to give as gift to my nieces. Boxer is a concentration of fun at low price ( less than 60$)! It is a bit noisy but it has so many “play mode” that will never make you bored!
Buy it from Amazon :